Packing List
Remember that Greene Family Camp is not a hotel – so no hair dryers or toiletries are provided. You will be walking outside (on grass, gravel and pavement) from your room to the dining and dance halls and other places.
The Camp will provide: pillow, light blanket, sheets & pillow case, bath towel & face cloth. If you are driving, please consider bringing extra labeled sheets, towels and blankets for those who may need more than what the Camp provides. Thanks.
All rooms are heated and have electrical outlets, but you may want to bring an extension cord or power strip.
Please note that the Camp is NUT FREE to avoid serious allergic complications. We are working with the kitchen to accommodate all the various diets needed for this event. But if you have specific needs, consider bringing along some foods you know you can eat. The kitchen is setting aside some refrigerated space for camper use. Also, you are welcome to BYOB.
NFO will be providing special SOLAR ECLIPSE EYEGLASSES to everyone.
Temperatures for Bruceville in April average 60-70’s daytime; 40-50’s at night.
- Toiletries
- Medications
- Clean dance shoes (no outdoor shoes on the dance floor, please!)
- Emergency contact name and phone number (we’ll collect at check in)
- Charging cables for your devices
- Money for extras like your contribution to sharing a ride to and from camp, Jaap’s workshop materials, camper activities TBA.
Also nice:
- Water bottle
- Lots of layers of clothes for dancing and sleeping
- Umbrella and rain gear to keep the rain away
- Musical Instruments and sheet music
- Flashlight and night light
- Extra Covid rapid tests if you have them
- Ear plugs, sleep masks
- Pens and paper for meetings & presentations; scissors for our craft session
If you have space:
- More shoes – to wear inside cabins, walking to the bath house, swimming pool, and dance hall
- Costumes – if you like to wear them for the evening parties
- An extra sheet to hang for bunk privacy
- Reading light
- Hangers
- Swimsuit, for the unheated pool, and a beach towel
- White clothing for Friday dinner (Shabbat Dinner)
- Cowboy attire for the Texas Roadhouse Sessions (boots, hat…)
- Fliers and postcards from your local groups to share
- Binoculars for Star Gazing
- Photographic equipment (besides your cell phone) to record the Eclipse if that’s your thing
Best of luck with packing and traveling!
Next week we’ll share driving directions, and other last minute info.
See you soon!
Jo Crawford
NFO Conference Chair
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