It’s almost time to meet in Texas!
The Greene Family Camp is located at 1192 Smith Lane, Bruceville, TX
See their website for several different forms of directions. If you are arriving after dark (8 pm) you may want to print out their turn by turn directions from the highway to the camp in case your GPS gets confused. It has happened in the past! greene.org/contact-us/
We will have the gate open and NFO greeters ready in the parking lot on Thursday from noon – 8 pm and Friday from 10 am – 6 pm to hand out packets, perform Covid tests, and point you to your lodging.
If you know ahead of time that you will be arriving outside of these times, please let us know (between 7 am and 11 pm if possible!) so we can line someone up to help you out when you get there, whenever that is. The gate will be closed except for the times above, so you will need to call us to let you in.
- Before Thursday noon or after 8 pm, text or call: Jo 978-846-2649
- Before Friday 10 am, text or call Mady 630-251-0811
- After Friday 6 pm, text or call: Catherine 402-369-9827
We will give out the Gate entry Code only to NFO registered attendees and only if needed. Please do not share it with others. We are taking security very seriously this year.
Best of luck with your travels – be sure to bring lots of patience along and be ready to deal with disruptions with a skip-hop and a smile. See you soon!
Jo Crawford
NFO Conference Chair
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