This table is imported from the Index and Pronunciation Guide published by the Folk Dance Federation in 2004.
Read this guide to how to read the table.
Index and Pronunciation Guide
Dance Name | Pronunciation | Country | Publication | Formation |
A Ja Tzo Saritsa | ah yah tsoh sah-REE-tsah | Moravia | Nov 59 | 5-6 Cpl. Sp Lgwy |
A Moléson | ah moh-LAY-sohn | Switzerland | Cpl, C | |
Aalistullaa Abdala | AH-ah-liss AHB-dah-lah -tool-lah | Finnish Bulgaria | Dec 00 Jul/Aug 92 | Cpl,Sp, L,Belt V-pos |
Ada's Krakowiak | AH-dahs krah-KOHV-vee-yahk | Poland | Mar 75 | Cpl |
Ada's Kujawiak No.1 | AH-dahs koo-YAH-vee-yahk | Poland | Dec 74 | Cpl |
Ada's Kujawiak No.3 | koo-YAH-vee-yahk | Poland | Nov 77 Cpl | |
Adana | AH-dah-nah | Macedonia | L | |
Adarim | ah-dah-REEM | Israel | Cpl | |
Adjon az Isten | AWD-yohn awz EESH-ten | Hungary | Nov 83 | C,V-pos |
Agattanz | AH-gaht-tahnts | Austria | Apr 61 | 4 Cpl,C |
Ahava Atika | ah-hah-VAH ah-tee-KAH | Israel | Cpl,C,V-pos | |
Ahavat Hadassah II | ah-hah-VAHT hah-dah-SAH | Israel | L,C | |
Ajde Jano | EYE-deh YAH-noh | Serbia | Nov 72 | L |
Ajde Lepa Maro | EYE-deh LEH-pah MAH-roh | Serbia | A3 | L,W-pos |
Ajnzerica | IGHN-zeh-ree-tsah | Croatia | Sept 01 | Ind/Cpl,C |
Al Gemali | ahl geh-mah-LEE | Israel | Aug/Sep 72 | C |
Al Kanfe Ha'Kesef | ahl kahn-FEH hah KEH-sehf | Israel | Jan 99 | L/C,V-pos |
Alahoy | AH-luh-hoy | Philippines | Oct 77 | Cpl,C,P |
Alana's Mazur | ah-LAH-nahs MAH-zoor | Poland | Apr 81 | Cpl,C |
Alandsflickan | OH-lahnds-flih-kahn | Sweden/Finland | May 64 | Cpl |
Alexandrovska | ah-lex-ahn-DROHV-skah | Russia | I,B,B1 | Cpl |
Alison Rose | Scotland | Nov 82 | 4 Cpl, Lgwy | |
Allemannsmarsj | AHL-leh-mahns-marsh | Norway | Jul/Aug 89 | Cpl,C,P |
Almelose Kermisse | ahl-meh-LOHS-eh KEHR-mee-seh | Netherlands | Nov 62 | Cpl,C |
Alunelul | ah-loo-NEH-lool | Romania | Dec 56, VIII,A2,D1 | 8-10 C |
Alunelul de la Băileşti | ah-loo-NEH-lool deh lah buh-ee-LESHT | Romania | L,V-pos | |
Alunelul de la Urzica | ah-loo-NEH-lool deh lah oor-ZEE-kah | Romania | Nov 85 | L,V-pos |
Alí Paşa | ah-lee pah-SHAH | Turkey | Apr 73,D2 | L,W-pos |
Amanor Waltz | AHM-uh-nohr | U.S.A. | Jan 50,VI,B2,C | Cpl |
An Dro Retourné | AHN DROH ruh-toor-NAY | France | May/Jun 98 | L,Sp |
Andulicka | AHN-doo-leech-kah | Czech Republic | Mar 02 | L,C, V-pos |
Angus MacLeod | ANG-gus muh-CLOWD | Scotland | Mar 65 | 4 Cpl,Lgwy |
Ankeliini | AHN-keh-lee-nee | Finland | Oct 99 | 5 Cpl, Lgwy |
Anneli Walzer | AHN-neh-lee VAHL-tsehr | Switzerland | Jan 65 | Cpl |
Anniversary Progressive Two-Step | England | Jan 68 | Cpl,C,P | |
Apat-Apat | AH-paht AH-paht | Philippines | Jun/Jul 65,A3 | Cpl,C,P |
Arap | AH-rahp | Macedonia/Bulgaria | Mar 68 | L |
Ardeleană cu figuri | ar-del-YAH-nah koo fee-GOOR | Romania | Mar 70,C2 | Cpl,R |
Ardeleană din Banat | ar-del-YAH-nah deen bah-NAHT | Romania | Feb 86 | Cpl,C |
Aredje di Malimprė | ah-RAHZH dee mah-LAHM-pray | Belgium | Dec 64 | Sq |
Argó Hasápiko | ar-GOH hah-SAH-pee-koh | Greece | Feb 70 | L |
Armenian Misirlou | ar-MEE-nee-un MEE-seer-loo | U.S.A./Armenia | Apr 62,D1 | L |
Arnold's Circle | England | Nov 80 | Cpl,C,P | |
Asadoya Yunta | ah-sah-doh-yah yoon-tah | Japan | Oct 03 | L,C |
Assoulis | ah-soo-LEESS | Armenia | May/Jun 93 | L/C,W-pos, Sp |
At the Inn | Germany | Cpl | ||
At Va'ani | aht vah-ah-NEE | Israel | May 69,D1 | C |
Atzay Hatsaftsafot | aht-ZAY haht-SAHF-tsah-foht | Israel | Sep 95 | Cpl,C |
Avant-deux des Touches | ah-vahn-DOO day TOOSH | France | Jan 98 | Cpl,Lgwy |
Ayelet Ahavim | ah-YEH-leht ah-hah-VEEM | Israel | Feb 81 | Cpl, C |